
Bobby and Emelia sing and lámh sign with Paul’s 3rd class on World Down Syndrome Day yesterday
Dear parents and guardians,
We have come to the end of a great term in D7ETNS.
I hope you all have a restful break and look forward to seeing you all bright and early on Monday, April 8th.
In case you are planning ahead to 2024-25, please see our school calendar for next year.
Calendar 24-25
Term 1 (15 weeks plus 1 week midterm)
First day of term: Wed 28 Aug
October midterm: Mon 28 Oct – Fri 1 Nov
Last day of term: Fri 20 Dec
Term 2 (13 weeks plus 1 week midterm, 2 bank holidays)
Return to school: Mon 6 Jan
Feb bank holiday: Mon 3 Feb
Midterm: Mon 17 Feb – Fri 21 Feb
St. Patrick’s Day: Mon 17 March – Tues 18 March
Last day of term: Fri 11 April
Term 3 (9 weeks plus 2 bank holidays)
Return to school: 28 April
School closes for summer Friday June 27th.
Summer Programme – Monday June 30th – Friday July 11th
The Stress Factor
Thank you to the parents who attended our talk this morning. Thanks particularly to Emer who leads our group of parents of children with additional needs. Emer is going to gather feedback from those that attended which may help inform our next meeting. Dr Michele Waldron, psychologist, who delivered the session has sent me some more notes today which I have attached.
The GAA Hurling and Camogie leagues will be starting up immediately after the Easter break. Training will commence on the first Monday back with matches scheduled for the second week. Don’t forget to bring in your gear on Monday April 8th, we have hurls and helmets if needed.
We have completed our basketball for the season finishing up with a mini blitz in the hall on Weds. Gaelscoil Barra were the visitors, but D7 proved too strong. The most competitive matches were between the two teams from D7 and some great skills were on display. Hopefully some new participants in the sport might bring this interest to secondary school where they can join their school team.

Cross Country Race
The Bogey’s Cross-Country race has been rescheduled for Tuesday, April 16th. This will give all our contestants plenty of time to practice over the Easter Break and we might even have the chance of some decent weather on the day. Depending on the ages, the races will be from 600m to 1.2 km, with younger age groups on the shorter course and 5th/6th Classes running the longer distance.

Thank you so much to the PGSA for a wonderful evening in the Teachers Club. Congratulations to the winners – The Lemonheads (Lorna, James, Claire & Hannah)
Thanks to everyone who attended and to all who bought tickets for the raffle. We plan to spend the funds on getting some nice mural work on our school grounds done during the holidays. Thanks so much to Anna D for coordinating this. I look forward to seeing this take shape.
Have a wonderful break.