
Good afternoon parents / guardians,
I hope you are enjoying the cooler temperatures. The children loved the icy yard surface and being creative with the snow.

Bazaar fun
Thank you so much to you all for the wonderful Winter Bazaar last Sunday. It was such a great day out for everyone. It was a successful case of divide and conquer. All of our class representatives ensured each room presented a delight to the children. The 6th class and adult café, vintage clothes shop, Thomas’ plants, storytelling, cinema, book and toy shop, arts and crafts , face painting and Santa’s grotto were up there with anything our children would experience in a lavish department store! Our class representatives took their jobs to a whole new level and rolled out an unforgettable day for all of us. The bank did a roaring trade and I will let you all know how we spend our funds raised. Most importantly, the children just loved it. It is about them, after all! Finally, some people have spent a lot of money in the lead up to the Bazaar. Please let Celine know and we can organise
Winter Solstice
Our Winter Solstice celebration will take place on Wednesday 21st December.
It has been 4 years since our school community last came together to sing songs and light up the darkest day of the year. A fire and spiral of greenery will be at the centre of our celebration symbolising the quiet, reflective time that the darkest days of the year bring. It also reminds us to prepare for the return of the sun and the lengthening of days.
A few things to note about the morning and preparation towards it:
– To experience the darkness to light, we ask that everyone comes to school a little earlier Wednesday week (21st December). The children can go to their morning lines for 8am so that we can start celebrations by 8:15, just in time for the sunrise. Adults can go to the parents’ area near the roundabout.
– Each child will make a lantern in school and take it home the day before (with a battery-operated tea light). They might like to carry their lanterns from their homes to light up their journey to school.
– For the fire and spiral, we are collecting kindling and greenery (e.g., evergreen branches). Families are invited to add a little bit of their home to our celebration by bringing in some wood/evergreen for the celebration. There will be boxes for each outside reception from Tuesday to Friday next week for anyone who would like to give some offerings. One excellent source for greenery are your Christmas tree trimmings.
We look forward to a beautiful celebration and the excitement that a whole school event brings!
Deirdre and Carol D

5th Class artwork in Dublin Winter Lights
As you may know Dublin City Council have transformed 16 locations around the city with colourful projections and light displays as part of the ‘Dublin Winter Lights’. Some of the children from Veronica’s 5th Class participated in the children’s art competition and their artwork will be projected onto Barnardo Square beside Dublin Castle nightly until 1st January 2023.
A preview of their artwork can be found on the official animation of the projection, (from 4mins 35s to 7mins 36s.
6th Class Gingerbread Baking
Padraig’s 6th Class got into the festive mood with some seasonal baking.

First we added some cooled melted butter, sugar and syrup to flour, ginger and baking soda. The mixture was brought together and lovingly rolled into a flat shape. Our engineers then cut out the outlines for the houses which were baked until hard.

Fortunately, we had some leftover dough from which we created some gingerbread biscuits. All in all, a very enjoyable edible maths lesson.

Have a lovely weekend,