This Christmas break-up had an added poignancy, as our founding Principal, Aine, retired after 40 years service.
At her Retirement Party, we heard of her tireless commitment over the 13 years of the school’s life, particularly in the early days, when the staff-room was literally a biscuit tin.
Staff have consistently spoken of her approachable and supportive manner, something all of us have come to rely on at different moments.
A school is, of course, more than any one person, but the loss of our Principal and Vice-Principal over the last two years will be keenly felt.
Hopefully, she will still have a presence in the school community in the future.
All the best Aine.

AIne Sotscheck, Louise Coffey, Jo Ryan on the day of AIne's Retirement, Dec 20th 2013

thanks to parents who helped out with catering on Aine's last day.

Teacher's Club Party Celebrations