9 06 2023

We have all made our mark on our new building.
Good afternoon Parents / Guardians,
I hope you all got to relax and enjoy our long weekend.
It has been a short but busy few days. It is business as usual in our new school and we are doing our end of term planning.
We are currently working on our school reports which will be sent out next week.

We are fully operational here in our beautiful new surroundings and I almost forgot about our old building until I got a call from the GDA asking me when we would be ready to hand back the keys. I must admit I had hoped the building would just……. disappear! So, this went straight to the top of my ‘to do’ list. We must return our old school unfurnished. Gráinne has kindly offered to help with the clear out of our old building. We have lots of vintage school tables, chairs, shelving, cupboards available . Gráinne said she will open the old building on Fitzwilliam Pl North tomorrow from 4-6pm to allow you to look around and take any items of furniture you would like.
To be honest, we got a large quotation from a removals company for recycling this furniture so we would be more than happy to see it going to your home instead!

Little Learners
Little Learners have asked me to let you know that they are finalising afterschool care service now based on the numbers of applicants they have received to date. They are organizing their staffing now so please get in touch with before Friday June 16th by emailing afterschoold7@gmail.com

Cycle Right Training
Thanks again to Colm and his team from Dublin Bay Cycling Centre who continue to train and challenge our children on their bicycles. Today the 6th class completed an obstacle course. Well done to Hazel in Ciara’s 6th who was the winner.
Have a lovely weekend,