School Self-Evaluation
School self-evaluation (SSE) is a collaborative, reflective process of internal school review. It provides teachers with a means of systematically looking at how they teach and how pupils learn and helps schools and teachers to improve outcomes for learners. The process has 6 stages and our school is currently engaging in stage 5 — the implementation of our improvement plan.

The staff identified Teanga Ó Bhéal as our focus for the process and gathered a wide range of qualitative and quantitive evidence to pinpoint our strengths and priority areas regarding the teaching and learning of Oral Language in Irish.
Please feel free to look at the documents linked below, compiled by teachers, which will be used as part of our improvement plan. If any of the vocabulary included in the plan is being reinforced and practised at home, it is sure to make the process even more successful.
Also keep an eye out for our weekly phrases, which will be included in the newsletter and on display at the bottom of the front stairs.
The following link can be used to help with pronunciation:
Pronunciation Database — The Pronunciation Database contains sound files which the user can click to listen to words in the three major dialects, namely Connacht, Ulster and Munster.