6 09 2024

Katrina’s 2nd class Cubism artwork
Good afternoon parents and guardians,
I hope you have had a nice week.
We had a staff meeting on Tuesday and we are all happy that our school year has had a great start.
Welcome to our new families in Junior Infants and in the senior classes. I know it has taken some time to get set up on Aladdin. I hope that now you are set up, that you find the app easy to navigate.
The Junior Infant children have been so good at coming into school in the mornings. It can be busy on the yard, but thanks to you the adults for trusting us even when your child was a little hesitant to go into the building. It is much easier for the children if they are here when the bell goes at 8.30am. Sometimes the children are upset if they ‘miss their line’.
Next week we would like if the adults stood back from the morning lines when the bell goes at 8.30am. It makes it much easier for the teacher and the SNAs to see all the children in their class and to guide them indoors.
At collection time at 1.10pm and 2.10pm, can collecting adults wait on the ramp behind the green railing. This gives more space and visibility for the children to be safely handed to the adult.
For parents of older children, you are aware of the clothes mountain we bring to charity at the end of each term. I recently visited Glasnevin ET, and I noted they have a lost property clothes rail which they wheel out to collection area daily. I thought this may work better than our big box. If you have any school proof, sturdy, clothes railings that you are willing to part with, we would greatly appreciate.
We will try anything to reduce our lost property bundle.
It makes such a difference when the clothes are labelled as they go straight back to the child rather than into the lost property box!
Friday mornings
As I have said before parents and guardians are very welcome to visit their child’s classroom every Friday morning. I understand that lots of you are busy with work and family commitments, and this is not always possible. Please be assured, while you are most welcome there is no obligation on busy adults to do this on a weekly basis. Sometimes I hear children begging the adults to come up and I know this is eating into precious work time. When you explain to the children it may not be possible every week, they will understand!
Gentle reminder that Friday morning class visit is not an opportunity to have a parent teacher meeting with the teacher. If you would like to discuss anything with your child’s teacher, just send an email and your teacher will schedule a more appropriate time.
All adults should leave the classrooms at 8.40am. We must be conscious not to erode teaching and learning time.
Please remember to lock your bike if you leave it outside the gate.
Coffee Mornings
Our PGSA are anxious to start the coffee mornings again. I met with Louise, chairperson of our PGSA this morning. We decided to start our coffee mornings next Friday.
We would like to invite all parents / guardians from Eimear’s Junior Infants class to a coffee morning next Friday from 8.30 – 9.15am in the staff room on Floor 1.
Úlla Orchard

6th class ‘Museum of Us’
The pupils in Enda’s 6th Class put together an impromptu history museum in jig time which included various artefacts from their childhood. The stories behind the artefacts at the ‘Museum of Us’ ranged from heart-warming to humorous and could be read on the accompanying info card. The display this morning included Iarla’s Barcelona Football, Alice’s Seaglass and Rosa’s badminton racket.
Reminder, swimming lessons for the children in Patrick’s 4th Class will be commencing next Thursday running from Sept 12th until October 24th.
Rowing will start for 5th class in the Dublin Municipal Rowing Centre on Tuesday, September 17th. More details will follow.
GAA Training
GAA training will take place for boys and girls on Monday on our ball court. Pitches in Grangegorman are not available. Collection from the school at 3.15pm where required.
Have a lovely weekend,