The staff of D7ET have been busy getting active and setting challenges for the whole D7ET community to try (that includes parents and guardians!). We hope you enjoy trying out some of these! Happy Active Home Week from all of the D7ET staff!
Can you take on the challenge of juggling like Emer!?
This is a really tricky one! See if you can complete this difficult challenge set by Elaine!
An even harder version of the shoe challenge…this one might take some practice!
In this video, Muireann shows us how to rise the ball with a hurl and sliotar. Can you do it?
A trickier ball rising activity from Muireann. Give it a go!
Muireann managed to do over 100 bounces with the hurl and sliotar (with some fancy hits at the end!), can you beat her!?
Make your own pancake flipper with a paper plate (or circle of card), a spatula and some tape. Then see if you can flip a balled up pair of socks. Try some of the tricks in this video. How many flips can you do in a minute? Can you do any other tricks?
Amy did 65 juggles in 30 seconds, very impressive! Can you beat her??
Learn how to do perfect 123s with Ciara, can you dance as well as she does!?
Can you skip as quickly as Mary? She’s pretty speedy, good luck!
This style of skipping with your arms crossed is quite challenging. Romey makes it look easy but can you do it?
Jonathan’s balancing challenge is a tough one, especially if you try it on your weak leg. How many seconds can you last?
Michael has been busy doing lots of yoga! Can you do this airplane pose?
Another challenging yoga pose for you to try
Make sure you know what you’re doing if you try this headstand – it’s very advanced!
This sun salutation is a really nice yoga move to try out – can you do it?
Look at this incredible garden obstacle course! You could use some of these ideas or get creative with your own. It looks like great fun – give it a go!
Niamh has a tough plank challenge for you to attempt. Niamh can do an impressive 57 plank pulses. Watch how it’s done and see if you can beat her!
Arlene is challenging you to throw a ping-pong ball over your head and into a cup, this one is going to be very difficult, can anyone do it??
You’ll need excellent balance and flexibility for this yoga challenge, try it out!
You’ll be a fantastic ballerina in no time if you follow Deirdre’s great pirouetting tutorial!
Ruth Fitzgerald, April 25, 2020
Posted in Active week