23 06 23

D7ETNS Dance groove performers in our halla mór today.
Good afternoon parents / guardians,
I hope you have had a nice week. We combined our Active and Arts week to have an Active Arts week. What a great week we have had. From beach active stations on Monday to dodge ball on Friday the children were kept active for the week. Big thanks to the Active Committee who helped with the stations. Sports day was a great success in our new venue on Wednesday. We were delighted with the extra space. It started well with a whole school dance. The week finished on a high note today with our first whole school assembly in our big hall. Every class dance groove winner performed and were presented with a certificate by our celebrity guests Catherine and John Lovely.
Next Wednesday we look forward to our 6th class graduation. Thanks to our 5th class parents for volunteering to host.
Reminder that school finishes on Friday, June 30th at 12pm.
For those attending Summer Programme, it commences on Monday at 9am. I will be in touch next week with more details.
Volunteers for book covering
The school has recently purchased lots of new schoolbooks for the next school year. These books will need to be covered before we start using them in September. We would be very grateful to get some help from parents to get this job completed next week. If you are available, please contact Katrina at and she will coordinate days and times that suit you.
Many thanks in advance.

Greener school
For those of you that managed to visit your child’s classroom this morning, I hope you noticed how ‘green’ our school is now. Thank you so much to Pat and his colleagues from PlantStore for transforming our corridors with a wonderful array of plants. Thanks Romey, Emer, Theo and Thomas for your help too.
New Primary Curriculum
As you may be aware, the primary curriculum is changing and will continue to change over the coming years. The new primary curriculum recognises the key role parents and guardians play in their child’s education and promotes a partnership approach which will encourage increased communication between schools and parents/guardians.
It is important that you are made aware of the changes to the curriculum that have taken place to date and what will be happening over the years to come. In this regard the Department, in collaboration with the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NCCA), the National Council for Special Education (NCSE) and the Professional Development for Teachers (PDST), has developed a leaflet which is designed to introduce these changes and encourage parent/guardians to engage in the future consultations seeking feedback on the draft curriculum areas and subjects of the new curriculum.
Please see attached.

Why can’t I see that? focuses on colour vision issues in children being given by research staff in the Centre for Eye Research Ireland in TU Dublin, Grangegorman is taking place on campus on June 29th at 4 ppm for 1 hour. They would like parents/children from the local community to attend if they are interested.
The talk given by Dr. Gareth Lingham and his team, and it will be held in the Central Quad, room CQ-009 from 4-5 pm on Thursday June 29th next.
Have a lovely weekend,