Walking Sculpture Tour of Dublin
We had a super day today in Susan’s 2nd class on our walking tour of sculpture, bridges and other buildings of interest in Dublin, bringing to life some of the topics we learned about this term: like how the Choctaw Tribe helped out the Irish during the famine; how Cú Chulainn tied himself to a rock to keep himself standing so that his enemies wouldn’t think he was wounded; and how the Children of Lir transformed back from swans after being under a spell for 900 years. Having learned about Ulysses yesterday on Bloomsday, we hung out with James Joyce on North Earl Street; and our timing was perfect when we arrived at the Garden of Remembrance, as we got to sing Amhrán na bhFiann as the Irish flag was being raised. After a VERY long day, we finished up by relaxing on front of the school.
Visiting Cú Chulainn in the GPO Hangin’ with Joyce on North Earl St. Searching for bullet-holes at the GPO Singing Amhrán na bhFiann as the Irish flag is raised in the Garden of Remembrance Checking out the Children of Lir
Walking with the famine victims #1 Walking with the famine victims #2 Walking with the famine victims #3