January 17th 2025

Niamh Ní’s 6th class Art
Good afternoon parents and guardians,
I hope you have had a nice week.
Thanks to parents and guardians in Padraig’s class for coming to the coffee morning in the staffroom. Next week, the parents and guardians from Patrick’s class are invited to have coffee in the staffroom.
Delighted to say that our 3rd class have started a block of tin whistle lessons this week. Daracha, the teacher, said the children were excellent. Thanks for organising this, Peadar.
Next week we welcome a new support teacher for 5th and 6th class. Welcome Elaine to D7ETNS. Thanks, Niamh M, who has been covering this role since Carmel retired.
Community Credit Union Quiz

We are very excited to announce our D7ETNS quiz teams that will be representing the school in the Community Credit Union Quiz on 10th February in Blanchardstown. The children took part in an in-house quiz on Thursday and really enjoyed putting their general knowledge to the test.
Thanks Niamh B for coordinating.
Reminder, we have a home basketball match for both the boys and girls this Monday, the 20th of January, in our Sports hall at 1pm.We’re playing the Burrow NS, one match will be on the roof the other in the hall.
Thanks Patrick, Rebecca, Emily and Eimear.
Recycled Instruments Orchestra

Grainne and Marie’s second class really enjoyed performing in the ‘Recycled Instruments Orchestra’ this week. As part of their SESE, Visual Arts and Music curriculum they designed and planned instruments using recycled materials. We had some amazing inspiration from Romey who brought in some instruments she had made herself, as well as an impromptu paper orchestra performance, thanks Romey.

The History Of Dublin 7 Educate Together N.S.
This week the second classes enjoyed learning about the History of our school.
We learned that our first school was located on Henrietta Street from 2000- 2002. With 47 pupils and 3 teachers, we spent 2 years in a Georgian house on Henrietta Street, rented from The King’s Inn.

From Henrietta Street we moved to the Navan Road. There was a large yard and playing field, as well as lots of stairs to climb. 250 pupils attended D7 with 25 staff members.

We then moved to the first Grangegorman site in 2009 with 463 children and 48 staff members. We have great memories of this school, especially the beautiful Cherry Blossom trees.

Our school’s final moved was in June 2023 to our permanent location. We all love our new school here on the TUDublin site. Current students attending D7 ETNS: 512 Staff: 63.

Ollie’s mam, Katie attended Henrietta Street, and she kindly came into our class to share her experience of her time there. We interviewed Katie as we were very curious about our first school.
Our favourite question to her was. ‘Where was your yard’? Katie’s answer was ‘We walked down the road every day to the local park ‘King’s Inn’ as we only had a small courtyard’.
Edel, a current SNA in our school also worked in Henrietta Street. We were so lucky to interview Edel also. Our favourite question to her was ‘What was your favourite memory’? Edel’s answer was ‘We all loved getting muffins every Friday, this was everyone’s (staff and children’s) Friday treat”!

We were also lucky to interview Fionnuala, Katrina and Marie as they all taught in the next school St Josephs’s on the Navan Road.
Our favourite question to them was ‘What was the most exciting thing you did every week’?
‘We had a farm at the back of our school, so we brought the children to visit the donkeys, hens and pigs each week. We also loved bringing each class to swimming lessons every Friday as the swimming pool was right outside our front door’!
We learned so much this week about the History of Our School. We can’t believe all the changes, some of our teachers used chalk and black boards! Then they moved onto whiteboards and markers! We are so lucky technology changed over the years and now we have shiny new interactive whiteboards.
Our school is 25 years’ old this year!
It was a fun trip down memory lane!
Marie, Grainne’s and Katrina’s 2nd classes.
Support Group
Dublin City Council are exploring the possibility of running a Learn to Cycle course in our area for children with additional needs. It would be a six-week course with bicycles provided, or you can bring your own if you prefer. It’s usually an indoor venue although we do not know exactly where yet. All ages are welcome. If you might be interested in this, please let Emer Cunningham know on 0876039800. We need a minimum of 15 children before they would go ahead.
Have a lovely weekend everyone,