A December to Remember
5th Class were very busy during the month of December rounding off our theme for the term which was: A Night at the Museum!
During our English/History lessons, we focused on information reports in order to gather facts about our chosen historical individuals that would later be turned into informative speeches and shared with the wider school community. The children used their research and critical thinking skills as well as sourcing good quality and reliable information from the internet to create their final presentations. https://animoto.com/play/Xa7jzMBGOP4BimiCQtHnnw

We spent a lot of time this term looking at fractions in detail. We were calculating with mixed number and improper fractions, adding and subtracting fractions, looking at equivalent fractions and ordering and comparing fractions. We are also becoming super quick at our times tables!
Linking with the real life school tour that we went on this month, we gathered lots of new vocabulary based on the topic -An Turas Scoile. We also got into the Christmas spirit by writing wish lists from the Margadh Nollag (Christmas Market) and talking about our favourite Christmas foods. We also kept working on our past tense verbs!
One of the highlights of December was attending the workshop at the Hugh Lane Art Gallery. I was so impressed with how knowledgeable the children were about different art techniques and how responsive they were to the artwork they were seeing. We got to do some sketching and make our own pieces too!

This term in PE we focused on gymnastics and movement. The children really impressed me with their intricate routines and with the progress they made during the sessions. We also finished up our Marathon Kids initiative with a final run at the Grangegorman campus!