
We have had another wonderful week in 5th Class this week. Have a look to see some of the things we got up to!


We were still on a high from last week’s amazing Science Week activities and continued with our investigations based on our current topic – Materials and their Properties. We were looking at reversible and irreversible changes and specifically on which substance would be the best at preventing rust forming on nails! Stay tuned to find out the results!


In Maths this week, we did a deep dive into the properties of a circle. Many of us were familiar with some of the vocabulary associated with the circle however we also learned new words like circumference, radius, diameter and sector. We also loved using compasses and protractors. Our Art lesson this week used the skills we learned during Maths lessons to create pieces inspired by Robert and Sonia Delaunay.


This week in our Irish lessons, we discussed what we would do if there was a fire in our house, continuing our topic ‘Sa Bhaile’. We talked about what our houses looked like and described different types of houses using new vocabulary.


We are continuing with our work on Information Reports in preparation for our Night at the Museum project. This week we did a Modelled Write on Zoo Animals. We have already discussed the features, structure, passive and active voice, proper nouns and technical vocabulary in preparation for our independent writing next week! I was so impressed with th level of vocabulary and general knowledge that was shown during these lessons!


We are still working away at our Night at the Museum projects and this week we focused on creating an interactive timeline of our chosen historical figure’s life. We made QR codes so that people can access these timelines as part of our project!

Niamh Brennan, November 19, 2021