Smock Alley Theatre 6th Class2013-03-21-6th Class went to see An Leabhar Draiochta in Smock Alley on March 21st. This theatre dates from 1642, and hosted actors like David garrick. Peg Woffington, as well as […]
Pyjama Day Easter 20132013-03-22-Leisure wear and a relaxed sartorial feel was on show today, March 22nd, as we wound down for the Easter holidays. These pics from the various classes show how the […]
Bike Safety!2013-04-09-6th Class have been practising their bike safety skills with Richard from Bike Safety Ireland over the past few weeks. This week, they learned how to make hand signals, while […]
Third Student Council2013-04-09-The third republic of D7ET’s student body started this week, with the inauguration of the new COuncil. They are: D7ET Student Council 6th Class Rep Finnán Connolly O’Sullivan D7ET Student […]
D7K April 21st 20132013-04-09-The D7K takes place on Sunday April 21st, 2013 at 11 am in the Phoenix Park. You can register online. Money raised go to the school funds. Today, Maz and […]
EAMONN COGHLAN VISIT2013-04-12-As part of the D7K, Irish sporting superstar, Eamonn Coghlan was on hand today to encourage pupils to train hard. He had some strong advice for children today, regardless of […]
Collins Barracks Creative Writing 6th Class 20132013-04-17-Mini-Sagas (50 word Stories) Dusty Silver (Writing Board) Heat comes, Cold comes. I wait alone, not knowing why I wait, or why. Try – the end is coming. I watch […]
CLASS PROJECTS 20132013-04-26-6th Class projects covered a range of topics, from Fashion to Steam. Pupils worked alone or in pairs. The emphasis here was on avoiding internet information downloading, concentrating instead on […]
Tenements of the 1930s/40s2013-04-26-6th Class have been studying the Dublin Lockout if 1913, as part of a Phizzfest project. Earlier, there was a visit from researcher Paul Rouse. Today, we had a first-hand […]
ARBOUR HILL VISIT2013-05-09-Today, we visited Arbour Hill for a commemoration mass for the soldiers of 1916. Many of the members of the government were in attendance, including the Taoiseach and the President, […]
GAELTACHT 20132013-05-17-6th Class went on their annual visit to the Donegal Gaeltacht on May 13th. The week in Annagry’s Colaiste na Rosann has become a school rite-of-passage for our pupils. Weather, […]
Santry Sports 230132013-06-05-June 5th was annual Santry Sports Day. D7ET have made steady progress over the past several years, as a result of Mary McKenna’s work with the school. Many of our […]
Junior Infants Dance 20132013-06-18-Thanks to Clare O’Malley of 2nd Class, and Ruth from 5th, who organised this dance class with Junior Infants in the yard today. Golden Brown by The Stranglers was the […]
Irish AId Visit2013-06-19-5th and 6th Class visited the Irish Aid office on O’Connell St. today, as part of an information event. This is to raise awareness of the Irish Foreign Affairs Dept. […]
Goodbye 6th Class!2013-06-26- Graduation Day is becoming a big event on the D7ET Calendar, a big step for those who have been with us for the past eight years. While it is […]