Apple Crumble
In a warm up for Maths Week last Thursday, Padraig’s 6th Class tried their hands at baking. First we had to forage for the apples from the school trees. There were slim pickings however we all managed to nab one for the baking exercise.

With much excitement, everyone received a role to play their part. We started by coring the apples then our peelers got to work. While this process was in motion, our measurers weighed out the ingredients for the crumble and added them to the mixing bowl. The mixers took over from here and combined the ingredients to a breadcrumb consistency.

Back to the apples which were now sliced and loaded into the baking tray where a small amount of sugar was added to sweeten the apples. The assemblers then added the crumble topping leaving the bakers to place the finished article in the oven. Before long a beautiful aroma was wafting from the classroom, but patience was required as the school ovens are temperamental.

A few baked apples stuffed with sultanas were also on the menu with a healthy portion of honey drizzled over for effect. After what seemed like an interminable wait, the crumble was ready, and the onerous task fell to our taster to sample the final result. We served up the crumble with some custard and cream and there was not a single crumb left over. A most satisfying math lesson, all agreed. Can’t wait for our next venture into the D7 kitchen.