Pizza and Georgian Dublin don’t normally get associated, but that was how things worked out today for D7ET’s 2nd Class trip into town.

Milano’s Restaurant on Dawson Street kindly invited us in to prepare and take away our own pizza. On their premises the staff gave instruction on putting together a margharita pizza, which incidentally, Italians are quite proud of, as it represents their flag.

Pizzas were eaten in Stephen’s Green, watched by hungry seagulls.

After a PE lesson in the playground, we nipped over to Merrion Square to see how people lived 200 years ago. some children were horrified to see the dismal conditions of the time – even though this was the home of a wealthy merchant family.

Here are some comment afterwards:

“Interesting how to make pizza.”

“I really llked Milano’s.”

“We saw a sculpture of the Famine.”

“I didn’t like the birds who attacked our pizzas in Stephen’s Green.”

“I was funny how they went to the toilet in the olden times.”

“The ducks did harmonised dancing when we threw them some pizza.”

“We were really thirsty because of the pizza and the walking.”

“We had a great time in the playground, conquering enemy towers.”

“We missed PE today”

Bus Tickets (x28)

Bus Tickets (x28)


D7ET Archivist, April 24, 2015