January 6th 2023

Dr. David Kinahan, an Aeronautical engineer from DCU visited Veronica’s 5th class today
Good afternoon parents / guardians,
I hope you have had a nice break. It has been a quick two days in school, but we all managed to set ourselves up for the term ahead.
There are a few dates for our diaries during the coming weeks.
Talk for 5th class parents / guardians
On Thursday January 19th we will host a talk in school at 7pm for the parents / guardians of children in 5th class about the Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE) Programme in school. More information will follow next week.
GAA will be returning next week with Brian (St Brendan’s) on Tuesday and Mark (Plunkett’s) on Fridays.
Intercultural day
Intercultural day will take place on Wednesday January 25th. More information will follow.
Rowing will recommence next Tuesday for 5th class children.
Aeronautical Engineer
Today Dr. David Kinahan, an Aeronautical engineer from DCU visited Veronica’s 5th class to share his expertise as we prepare for the ESB Science Blast in February. He answered questions we had about flight, planes and much more.
He showed different types of planes and engines. He also explained why plane wings are shaped like they are, why different engines and landing gear are used based on the use of the plane and why turbulence occurs.
He displayed different types of planes on the whiteboard. He told us how planes have evolved over the past 120 years because of small changes engineers have made to their design.
He told us about a project where students are flying planes into hurricanes to make calculations. They make the calculations to figure out how planes deal with storms.
We are very grateful to David for taking the time to visit us. We learned loads of new information that we will include in our project.
Thank you, Marco and Elliott L., for letting us know about this.
Have a lovely weekend.