2 02 2024

Míle buíochas to everyone who has donated yarn. As you can see, it is being put to great use. Credit for this amazing creation goes to Naoise in Ciara’s 6th.
Good afternoon parents / guardians,
I hope you have had a nice week and are looking forward to a long weekend!
We have lots planned for the coming week.
Ciara has organised a Bookfair commencing Wednesday. Thanks so much to the parents who generously offered their time to help coordinating this. Our 6th class Library committee will be on hand too.
Next Friday, February 9th , we are inviting the parents and guardians from Donna’s Junior Infants into our staffroom for a coffee. It is just a social gathering to give the adults a chance to meet and greet.
We had a very productive Student Council meeting today. They are going to work with the staff on enhancing our outdoor space. We are collating ideas for outdoor murals / artwork, playground markings and playground games. Student Council have gone back to their classes to research these ideas. Staff are meeting a mural artist next week and I will invite Student Council to the meeting also.
Student Council made other requests that I am hoping we can honour. ALC students asked for a day trip to the Zoo. 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th have asked for an opportunity to swap yards for a week. I agreed we might trial this on the week starting February 19th!
Next Friday our school photographer will be in school

We had our Board of Management meeting this week.
Please see our Agreed Report below.
The Board of Management met on 30th January 2024. The board were presented and approved this year’s accounts, which will be lodged with the FSSU.Noted that Educate Together will be holding an Ethical Education Conference in our school building and Gráinne will be presenting at it about our Educating for Sustainable Developments in D7ET. Noted that there were no child protection or bullying incidents to report. Approved staffing requests. Noted tender for photographs deadline approaching. Noted after school licence agreement and hall licence agreement in progress. Noted recruitment for an additional secretary post in progress

Paul’s 3rd class have been learning about narrative writing and wrote their own short stories aimed at junior infants. On Tuesday, they read their stories to Donna’s class and got a big thumbs up
5th class animations
For the past 3 weeks Veronica’s 5th class have been creating short animations as part of Art and Music. Working in groups the children began by creating a storyboard, they drew backgrounds and characters for the animation. Some animations contained almost 500 frames! Using the app Crescendo, each group even composed the scores for the dramatic music in each animation.
We hope you enjoy watching our videos.
Scolastic Book Fair
We are very much looking forward to our Scholastic Book Fair starting next Wednesday. Children will have the opportunity to browse and buy books in school (paid for online at home). The school will receive up to 60% of the profit made, in the form of free books.
Books on sale can be viewed here:
Classes will visit the book fair on the following days:
Wednesday 7th: Junior infants, 1st class
Thursday 8th: Senior infants, ALC, 2nd class, 3rd class
Monday 12th: 4th class, 5th class, 6th class We are operating a cashless fair. Books can be purchased as follows:
When children visit the fair, they will be given the opportunity to make wish lists, upon which they can list books (with prices) that they might like.
Children will bring their lists home, and you can decide with them which book (if any) to buy.
Go to this link enter relevant information and pay. Make sure to hit confirm!
Please note, this online payment system only gives us the child’s name and amount paid, not the names of the books ordered.
To complete the order, please circle the books purchased on the wish list and send it back to school with your child. To make sure that we get it, please also send a photo of it to
Our trusty parent volunteers and 6th class Library Committee will liaise to ensure the book then gets given to your child over the days that follow.
Please do not buy books directly from the Scholastic website. This bypasses the book fair system, and while you will have the books posted to your home, the school will not receive any rewards for this.
Any queries can be sent to

Amelia and Alana were lucky enough to meet Bukayo Saka. He promised that he will sign for Bohemians when he retires from Arsenal!

Eyes on the Prize: Lifelong Visual Wellness Educational Talk from Megan, a researcher, who works in the National Optometry Centre in TUDublin
Join us for an engaging session tailored for parents of D7ETNS. Explore key childhood eye development milestones, learn about prescriptions and common eye concerns, and gain practical tips to foster healthy vision in your little ones. An opportunity to learn about your child’s visual wellness! The talk will be held online on Tuesday 6th February at 6pm at this link:
Have a great weekend,