September 1st, 2023

Summer Memories
Good afternoon parents / guardians,
I hope you have settled back into term time routine. We have had a great week in school continuing to benefit from the gift that is our new building. Many times this week we commented on how appreciative we were that we had a chance to spend the month of June here as it meant we had all our systems in place for our return to school.
A special Fáilte to all our new families in Junior Infants. We also have a few families that have joined in Senior infants and 1st class. We hope that your children have had a nice first week in our school and you are enjoying being part of our lovely school community.
Morning times are busy on yard. We know this will settle when the children become familiar with where their line is. Also, for the infant classes, when the bell goes at 8.30am, we ask the parents and guardians to step back from the line so the infant teachers can see their entire class.
We have a new Assisted Learning class this year and I really must commend the teacher, SNAs and children on how well they adapted to their new environment. For people driving to school, we ask that you leave a space free at our pedestrian entrance for Jake, our taxi driver, who is transporting our children with additional needs to school.
Stay and Play have also started, and some children are enjoying on site afterschool care for the first time. I would like to remind parents and guardians when collecting not to use the office buzzer. Please contact Carla directly and she will bring your child out. Carla – 089 4643560
All afterschool care queries can be sent to D7 Afterschool
We have some pupils who are currently receiving medical treatment for cancer, which puts their health at risk if exposed to measles, chickenpox or shingles. We ask for your cooperation in minimising the risk by letting us know immediately if your child develops chickenpox, shingles or measles. We will inform the parents of the children so that they can take appropriate action.
Your child is not at risk whatsoever from this situation. We are asking for your cooperation for the health and well-being of the pupils who are at risk. If these pupils are exposed to measles or chickenpox, they can be protected from actually developing the infection if the exposure is detected promptly.
We are happy that the children can remain in school throughout treatment and thank you most sincerely for your help in this matter.
Primary Language Curriculum
We have an additional closure on our school calendar. School will be closed on Friday September 29th for Primary Language Curriculum training for all staff.
Volunteers for book covering
The school has recently purchased lots of new schoolbooks for the next school year. These books will need to be covered before we start using them in September. We would be very grateful to get some help from parents to get this job completed next week. If you are available, please contact Katrina at and she will coordinate days and times that suit you.
Many thanks in advance
GAA News
Hot on the heels of the wonderful double from the Dubs capturing both the Sam Maguire and Brendan Martin Cup in their respective All Irelands, both Boys and Girls Gaelic football teams will be up and running again from next week. Training will commence on Monday in TUDublin with the matches commencing the following week.
We are looking forward to a few more classics in our search for the Holy Grail, with a run out on the hallowed turf of Croke Park at the end of October, our destination. We will once more be calling on parents to help out with the lifts for away matches. Hope springs eternal and I have a feeling that this could be our year.
Children will need mouthguards for the matches as is required under the rules of the association.
Homework Club
Dear Families, will be restarting Homework Club on Monday the 11th of September.
Like last year, the club will run Monday -Thursday from 2.10-3.15pm.
In will include children from 1st -6th class.
The club is run by teachers from D7ET. We have a small child to teacher ratio, which allows us to support children where needed with homework.
The cost of the club is €5 per day.
For more information or to book a place, please email:
If booking a place, please let me know:
- Your Child’s Name:
• Their Class:
• Days Required: (Mon/Tues/Wed/Thurs)
• Any allergies or health issues:
• Parent(s)/Guardian(s) names:
• Names of people with permission to collect your child after school:
• Your Contact number:
• Second Emergency Contact number:
The afterschool committee is currently finalising the plan and timetable with the tutors for this term.
Further details, timetable and booking links to be shared via Aladdin next week. We are happy to inform you that Karate, Drama, Keyboards, Football, Capoeira, Spanish, tin whistle and Science will all be returning to the school. Afterschool activities are planned to start the week of September 18th.
For any queries, please email
Joana and Gary
Have a lovely weekend everyone,