31 03 2023

Seed Studio orchard planting this week. Big thank you to Clodagh Emoe for coordinating. Don’t forget to ask your child the name of the tree they planted.It will be a wonderful resource for them to enjoy in the future
Good afternoon parents / guardians,
I hope you have had a nice week.
We have come to the end of another busy but wonderful term.
We are looking forward to the break and bracing ourselves for what will surely be a very busy term ahead. Along with normal teaching and learning, we must factor in a school move, our school tours, 6th class graduation and getting our new families in Junior Infants ready for their 8-year D7ET journey.
In terms of the move to our new building, we hope to get the keys on May 2nd. We will spend this week and the following few weeks furnishing the building and installing the Smartboards and Wi-Fi. We will move as soon as all of this is done. I am hoping this will be either directly before or straight after the June Bank Holiday. I will keep you posted on our progress and let you know as soon as I can if we must have an exceptional closure to facilitate the move.
I hope you have a lovely break and look forward to seeing everyone on Monday April 17th at 8.30am.
Agreed Report BOM
The Board of Management met on 27th March. The Board welcomed Danielle Clarke, our Community Member, to the Board. Noted the provision of various training courses by Educate Together. Noted that ET AGM will take place on May 6th. Noted motions for this year’s AGM. Noted that progress on the new school building appears on schedule for a handover date of May 3rd. Noted that there were no child protection or bullying incidents to report. Agreed on tender for provision of afterschool care services. Approved staffing requests. Approved Homework Policy. Noted the many activities the pupils have been part of and thanked the staff involved – National Children’s choir, Cross country races, Seed Studio Forest planting, Reviewed the accounts. Approved Wi-Fi provision in new school building and agreed to follow these up. Noted that the after-school activities are going well. Enrolment for Term 3 this week. Thanks to Gary and Joana for coordinating. Note thanks to Bryan, Maria Laurence and PGSA for organisation of table quiz.
FAI 5 aside blitz.

This week saw the return of competitive soccer for D7ET. On a blustery Wednesday morning, Paul and Paula led the boys to Irishtown stadium for the FAI 5 aside blitz. Competition was fierce but the boys showed great character and promise and most importantly enjoyed their day out.
On Wednesday, the weather was kinder as the girls set out. The talent on display under the Spring sun made it obvious that this Summer’s World Cup in Australia is just the beginning for Irish women’s football. Both teams showed determination, skill and resilience but one of our girls’ teams had the good fortune and ability to go joint number 1 on points, coming second only as a result of goal difference.
Well done to all of the boys and girls involved, their attitude and camaraderie were incredible, and they did their school community proud.
Thanks Wesley, Paul, Bear, Paul B, Neil and Mauro for training both teams.

Whatta record
We pride ourselves on the fact that we have an Active Flag here in D7ETNS.
If you ever visited our yards at break time, you would say it was warranted. It is a joy to watch the children play. I was most impressed today with our skippers on the 3rd and 4th class yard today. Paula and Sheena spun the rope as the children lined up and skipped continuously for 1005 ships during yard time today.
Great exercises and great counting!
They were very proud of themselves.
Message from PGSA
Thanks to all who attended, contributed to and collaborated on the School Quiz last Thursday in the Bernard Shaw. It was a lovely social evening, with eclectic questions & max answers, topped off by a spectacular raffle. A much-enjoyed part of the school calendar, the evening raised €1479.48.
The support & hard cash is much appreciated. Thank you.

Thank you so much to all our parent volunteers who did tremendous work pre digging our Orchard on Monday. Could everyone please check if they took home the above spade by accident. It has a ‘robin’ brand sticker on it. Thanks, Grainne
Have a wonderful break everyone,