10 03 2023

Artistic response to ‘After the Fall’, our One School, One Book, idea from World Book Day
Good afternoon, parents / guardians,
I hope you have had a nice week. We had lovely assemblies here in school this week where the children shared their responses to ‘After the Fall’ , our One School, One Book, idea from World Book Day. Art, poetry and drama featured in many responses. It opened conversations in each class about failure, overcoming fear, perseverance and being determined.
Our focus next week will be on Gaeilge as we celebrate Seachtain na Gaeilge. It will be a week of Corpoideachas le rang a 6, Ceilí, Dramaíocht agus Amhráin.
Míle Buiochas le Ciara, Katrina, Padraig agus Peadar for coordinating this.
Never a dull moment in this school.
Seachtain na Gaeilge 2023: Gaeilge sa Timpeallacht (Irish in the Environment)

Beimid ag céiliúradh Seachtain na Gaeilge an tseachtain seo chugainn, agus beimid ag báiliú pictiúir den Ghaeilge atá inár dtimpeall. Má fheiceann do pháiste píosa Gaeilge agus iad amuigh, is féidir pictiúr de a sheoladh chuig Déan cinnte ainm an pháiste agus a rang a chur sa ríomhphost.
Féachaimid ar na pictiúir ar scoil, agus beidh comórtas beag againn ag deireadh na seachtaine freisin. Cuirfimid gach páiste a sheol pictiúr chugainn i raifil. Gheobhaidh an buaiteoir cóip de Tree Dogs, Banshee Fingers and Other Irish Words for Nature le Manchán Magan (léirithe le Steve Doogan, athair Ailsa i rang a sé!).
We will be celebrating Seachtain na Gaeilge next week, and we will be collecting photos of the Irish we see around us. If your child sees some Irish when they’re out and about, a photo of it can be sent to Make sure to put the child’s name and their class in the email.
We will look at the pictures in school, and we will have a little competition at the end of the week too. We will put every child that sent us a picture in a raffle. The winner will get a copy of Tree Dogs, Banshee Fingers and Other Irish Words for Nature by Manchán Magan (illustrated by Steve Doogan, dad of Ailsa in sixth class!).
Training will continue on Monday in Grangegorman for both Boys and Girls teams. Well done to everyone who braved miserable conditions last Monday. There are quite a few people missing out on the training sessions and I would ask that everybody attends next Monday as we are getting closer to our regular matches.
Fingers crossed for some decent weather for Wednesday’s Cross Country races. We will be well represented in the Bogies, with almost 100 children running on the day. Best of luck to all our contestants.
Padraig & Arlene
Seed Studio
We’re working with artist Clodagh Emoe on a collaborative project that explores placemaking – where human and non-human can coexist mindfully. Before we break for Easter every class will plant a fruit tree and together, we will create an orchard – a place for future Forest School activities, for the children and community to gather, for the pollinators to do their work and for all to grow.
Our orchard will consist of 19 trees; including 2 x pear trees, 2 x plum trees, 3 x cooking apples and 12 eating apples(mix)
We’re looking for volunteers to help dig 19 small holes on Monday 27th March.
Meet in the yard at 9am, should be finished by 11 am.
Many hands make light work! All volunteers welcome.
“Don’t forget yer shovel
Thank you, Clodagh.
Review of Special Education Legislation
The Department of Education wants to hear your views on your personal experience with Special Education. The Department of Education is responsible for supporting schools all around the country. There is a law that governs how education is provided to students with special educational needs. This law is known as the EPSEN Act 2004. It has been the law for about 18 years. The Department is looking at this law, to see if it is suitable and if it works in the way that it should. Part of looking at the law to see if it works properly is hearing from you about what you think about your experience of the school system. The Dept want to hear what you think – what works well and what could work better?
There is a set of questions online that you can answer
Review of EPSEN Act 2004 (
Or you can say what you think by sending your ideas about education for children and young people with special educational needs to
Date for your diary
Thank you, Parent Guardians Staff Association, for organising this.

Have a nice weekend,