Marie and Sarah’s 3rd class World Book Day
The children in Marie and Sarah’s 3rd class described World Book Day as ‘the best day ever’. The children designed their own book marks which are displayed on their classroom door and will come in very useful during their reading time.
We asked the children to take a #shelfie…that’s right a #shelfie! Children could take a photograph either of their reading bookshelf or collection of books – these included some of their favourite books or ones that they are currently reading.
During our Maths lesson the class voted on their favourite book and they drew bar graphs showing the results. For our Literacy lesson the children wrote a paragraph on their favourite book.
The children also got the opportunity to design their own book cover of their favourite book. We also did Buddy reading with Róisín’s Senior Infants which was lots of fun.
The most enjoyable part of the day was DEAR time which is Drop Everything And Read. Happy World Book Day from 3rd class.