Bloom 2014 (Claire’s 2nd)

Claire’s 2nd Class won a trip to Bloom in an Agri Aware competion. They walked to the park on Friday, getting in some of their 60 mins exercise a day on the way! Both adults and pupils wore our striking new high-vis jackets emblazoned with the school logo in an attempt to enter and exit Bloom with our contingent intact. Pupils were on the lookout for ribwort, more commonly known as soldiers, as we’ve been learning about them in class.

We were met and greeted at the entrance before being taken on a tour around the organic school garden where Paddy Madden showed us the dinosaur garden with a ginkgo tree, the oldest tree species on earth. We then attended a demo at the Agri Aware farm, where Bernard tried to inspire a little interest in the Common Agricultural Policy! A quick trip to the Bord Bia horticultural stand followed where pupils handled the lumper, Ireland’s predominant potato variety during the famine.

Following a well deserved lunch break, we chose to divide and conquer with our remaining time at Bloom. Things were heating up and the crowds were growing. While we missed Enda’s appearance a group of D7ET students got photographed with the mayor of Fingal, Kieran Dennison! Some groups surveyed the fabulous gardens on display whilst others scavenged the tents for freebies!

Many thanks to the parents who accompanied us on this trip.

D7ET Archivist, June 6, 2014