That Nupper Has a Weird Nose: World Book Day 2012

This year, D7ET opted to mix classes about to celebrate the event. 6th Class visited Patricia’s 1st, reading their own particular favourite stories from their that age-group. In a half-hour session, most 1st Class boys and girls heard at least five stories.
Fionnuala’s Junior Infant Class brought in their own recommendations, as the pictures show. As the day was fine, they spent some time reading outside on the grass.
6th Class pupils read passages from their favourite current reads. We heard about children forced to battle in gladiator arenas, and demons throwing each other into dark pits of fire, though there was also one story about a rescued puppy.

Reading For 1st


I read Titus’s Troublesome Tooth. It was a bit babyish for me. We all had hoarse voices afterward.


 “It was funny seeing their reaction to our old books. “


 “It was funny seeing our class with a book on their lap.”


“I’m glad they enjoyed Furry Tales as much as I did when I was that age. It was fun for us, I hope they enjoyed it as much as we did.”


“It annoyed me when they insisted I do the voices.”


“One boy I read to kept telling me things: That Nupper  has a weird nose… I remember the day we first met…I know what it’s called – I can read, you know…You missed a word.”





D7ET Archivist, March 1, 2012