The Story of Our Beloved Teepee

Within a few weeks of setting up our Forest School, we realised our site was lacking two very important elements, more places to hide and some shelter from our very changeable weather. With that the idea of an outdoor tee-pee was born! Paula, being the fantastic artist she is got to work and before long she had an idea for how we would go about creating a whole class art project that we could also use in our Forest School.
We decided to try the wax-resist method and the children began by researching native Irish species and their habitats. We traced animals onto paper and drew the outline using crayons before painting over the pictures with water-colours.

Next, the children worked in groups to plan their triangle of the teepee. Once a broad plan was made, the children got to work outlining their drawings using wood glue.
Next, we brought our triangles outside to paint the teepee. We were so lucky to have some sunshine and the sheets dried in no time.
Finally, it was time to assemble the teepee in time for Arts week and the grand opening of the Forest School to the public. As the saying goes ‘Ní