27 01 2023
Intercultural week cooking

Good afternoon parents / guardians,
I hope you have had a nice week.
Thanks to Deirdre and Katrina for coordinating our Intercultural day. Thanks to our parents / guardians for volunteering to come into school to share recipes from all over the world with us. And finally, thanks to our children who, as always, engaged fully in the learning experience.
Dates for your diary
Friday February 3rd – School closure for Primary Curriculum Training for teachers.
Return to school 2023 – Wednesday August 30th.
Winter Bazaar
Our final figure for funds raised at our Winter Bazaar is €9595.77. This includes money raised in the 6th class café. We have already spent some of this money adding to our phonics reading series.
Homework Policy.
We are updating our Homework Policy. Staff have been surveyed on their opinions regarding homework.
We would love your opinion too.
Peadar has devised a survey to give you an opportunity to air your view on the value of homework. They survey will take approximately 4 minutes.
Student Council are surveying the students next week. We are asking the children do they have enough homework? Do they think homework is useful for learning and should we have homework at weekends? Seth, one of our student council members, said that we should just do what Michael D Higgins suggested and give no homework!
We will use all feedback to formulate our new policy.

Intercultural Day
Food, glorious food….
This year we chose food as our focus for Intercultural Day which is always a popular and very enjoyable choice. Classes discussed their favourite foods, foods they have for special occasions and customs enjoyed by people around the world. We were delighted to welcome back parents to the classrooms once again to showcase foods and information from countries to which they have close links. The children sampled many delights from countries such as Finland, Italy, Spain, China, Moldova, France and Germany to name but a few. Some classes explored culinary delights from Ireland such as potato cakes, scones and boxty. Many of these recipes were put together by all the classes in a D7ET International Recipe book, attached.
Cabra library provided us with lots of books to enjoy about different cultures around the world and many classes came together to enjoy ‘buddy reading’. This was a lovely addition to our celebration.
The staff and children would like to sincerely thank all the volunteers who baked, cooked and gave of their time and expertise this week. It was a most enjoyable week.
More Intercultural Week activities

Feliz Viernes! Wesley’s 5th class
As part of our Intercultural Celebrations this week, 5th class students researched and presented projects on some of the cultures and countries we have links to in our class. They enjoyed delicious Chinese dumplings courtesy of Jimmy’s Mam Bing Bing and today we took our lives into our own hands as we embarked on a mission to bring a taste of Mexico to D7 with some veggie bean burritos. As of writing, everyone survived the gastronomical roll of the dice and by all accounts the results tasted even better than they looked-make of that what you will. Happy weekend folks, Viva Primavera! Wesley

This year Herstory will spark the national St. Brigid’s Day celebrations in Galway city on Friday 27th January with a spectacular Herstory Light Show in honour of Brigid. Iconic landmarks will be illuminated, and we are delighted to announce that work form both Wesley and Anna’s class will be included in the light show. This is Anna’s 3rd class interpretation of modern-day Brigid. She was known as a herbalist so the children researched the various plants she was associated with. They used textile printing & stitching to communicate their idea.

Well done to our 6th class Spelling Bee champion.

Library Committee
Thank you to our library committee for organising the book design competition. Our winners were announced on Thursday. Our committee are doing great work keeping the library in tip top shape for every class. Winning entries will be displayed in the library.
Have a lovely weekend,