Active Week 2022

The sun came out in D7 for Active Week and we all got very active. Kicking off on Monday, the Junior Classes participated in an Obstacle Course on the front roundabout before engaging in some equestrian fun with a series of show jumps.

The new yard was transformed into a beach location where the Senior Classes tried their hand at Archery, Boules, Beach Volleyball and Paddle Ball. All the Activities were excellently marshalled by some 6th Class volunteers, who assisted the teachers with their classes.

Tuesday saw the return of the Santry Sports and we sent four Relay Teams and four sprinters to represent the school. Despite returning empty handed, the children gave it their all and enjoyed the experience of the occasion. Meanwhile back at school we had visits fom GAA and Cricket coaches who worked with various classes in the yard.

Wednesday saw the whole school visit the Astro Pitch over the course of the day where the children enjoyed a variety of different activities. The highlight seemed to be the penalty kicks but Dodge Ball and the Obstacle Course were also very popular. Once again we were blessed with the weather and everybody returned back to the school exhausted, well the teachers anyway.

Thursday was a repeat of the the Beach and Obstacle course activities for the classes who were not involved on the Monday. We also had a visit from Rugby Leinster coaches who gave some introduction lessons in Tag Rugby. Patrick’s class also got an opportunity to try out a Bouldering activity during the week.

With wounded pride at stake from last year’s narrow defeat, the Staff were determined to avenge their defeat and prepared with a training session. With a weakened team ravaged by injuries and absences, the Staff withstood an onslaught in the opening exchanges. With a star studded team the students grabbed a few fortunate goals before the half time break. Fionnuala was imperious in goal and it looked like the penalty shoot out might never end, however Rafe Foley eventually got the better of the goalie and won the spot kick title.

The second half saw a spirited comeback by the teachers but a dubious penalty halted their momentum and the 6th Class managed to sneak it in the end. Some excellent performances from both teams but special mention must go to our own Braveheart, Martin, who rolled back the years and put on an exhibition of dour Scottish defending, single handedly protecting the fortress that was our goal. Beidh lá eile againn.

Padraig Phelan, June 10, 2022